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Lillian has traveled around the world and has studied all over Europe, Australia, Asia, Alaska and Hawaii gleaning as much information as she could get her hands on.
Here in the United States she has studied with the true pioneers in this field including Dr. Jack Richason of California, La Dean Griffin of Utah, Donald Bamer, of Oklahoma, the late Dr. Dick Versendaal and the esteemed, late Dr. Bernard Jensen of California, who is known as ‘The Father of Iridology’.


Lillian received her Doctorate of Naturopathy through the National Board of Examiners, for Naturopathic doctors.


Dr. Lillian Ronzio has owned her herb shop, The Natural Way in Connellsville, PA for 40 years.

In addition to teaching and lecturing across North America, Lillian has had her own private practice and has hosted numerous radio shows for most of her time in this Field.

Lillian includes instruction on Herbal Supplementation within ALL courses at the school.


Make sure you bring a notebook for all of the additional information she gives...her experience is priceless!

Reflexology Certification

  • Class dates:
    Friday, Nov. 15th 2024
    6:00-8:30 pm ~Theory

    Saturday, Nov. 16th, 2024
    11:30 - 5:00 pm ~ Practicum

    Saturday, Dec. 7th, 2024
    12:00 pm  ~ Testing & Certification awarded


    What is reflexology?

    Reflexology is a technique that applies gentle pressure to your feet or hands. It aims to bring about a state of relaxation and help the body's own healing process.
    Reflexology works in a similar way to acupressure and acupuncture.

    There are certain points on the feet and hands that correspond to the organs and glands in the body. So by working these points it can stimulate energy pathways in the body.

    If any energy pathways are blocked reflexology aims to unblock them. Allowing the energy to flow freely again which aims to restore balance to the body.
    This curriculum is an educational course on reflexology's theory and usage.

    Students will learn the origins of reflexology, be primed in its practice, and its application in everyday life.
    Many take this course and begin their career as a Certified Reflexologist.


    This course is instructed by Lillian Ronzio, ND

    **Lunch on your own.
    You are welcome to bring your lunch.

    *Certification comes with the completion of this class and its requirements.*
    You will receive 8 CE Credits for this class.


    Dr.Lillian Ronzio School of Holistic Health is approved as a Provider for Continuing Education for the National Certification Board For Therapeutic Massage &...Body Work! Approved provider # 660

  • *Highlighter

    * Notebook for all of the additional information she gives...her experience is priceless!

    * Anything you'd like to eat or drink

    Saturday, You will have a 1 hour lunch break.

    Lunch is on your own. You are welcome to bring your lunch, or go out. 

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